Monday, May 3, 2010

WE THE BOLTZ!!!!!..WHO!!??.....WE!!!!

Welcome, Welcome glad you could make it! how was your day!? (your answer here) ->auto reply for ''good day" :that's wonderful! : / auto reply for "bad day" :fuck that bitch!/job: ... hope that helped! =)

iigth lets get into it!! (shaq attack i know)

1st Off shout out to the AMAZING LADIES OF ELECTRIK RED!!! & another shout out to ALL the BOLTZ (whether in LA or NOT) No matter matter where you rest your head at if you: love, support, like, Electrik Red then you ARE/CAN be a BOLT!

**Show some love to our overseas BOLTZ Anke, who made myspace fan pages for Electrik Red (@babygirlanke) and Mimi (@Mimi95339)

Im soooo proud of the team we showed up and showed out!!!!! ESP our "tipsy red" Byron
(@ReiMarz) lol , along with our county line crosser aka gps from San Diego Jazzie (@_fuxwitit) her energy is amazing such a doll! Gotta love a valley girl, Holly made out to her first Electrik Red Performance and she was FULL OUT like the rest of us didn't miss a beat!! did i mention this girl is GORG!! =) (@hollystaaar) thank GOD for tall people cuz i was waaaayy to close to REC but Robert held us down the best he could =) thanks Rob. By the way Robert wanted me to let y'all know BINKIE is HIS WOMAN lol (@r_j_bolt) we had sooo much fun
THE KID WERE NOT READY ELECTRIK RED KILLED THAT SHOW! its was well worth the magical gum that appeard on my pants! lol

Some of our Boltz/Friends couldn't make it due to work, "baby nation", (insider), out of town or because of the REDIC LINE that didnt move for 45min!!?? we love yall too! Wendy (@blakewendy) From the MIA to LA she is an amazing dancer! Gus (@igustavich) my bff always there to lend a hand! he nicknamed Binkie the "snuggiebator" last but not least Leo & Alicia who i like to call instant fans, i didnt have to say or do much just played How to be a Lady and showed them some live shows NOW their with the TEAM!

I'm Shanelle aka sha sha
Check in with us WE WILL HAVE INFO ON ELECTRIK RED AND THE STREET TEAM .. were gonna be out in the streets (cuz that's what street teams do....) , you'll see us all over LA bringing Electrik Red to the people...we also have a YOUTUBE CHANNEL :ERxBoltzxLA : peep that as well all our missions will be posted!!

Here's our 1st video. Jazzie rec me doing a lil medley of Electrik Red songs on my drums=)

***if you have any ideas, questions, comments, you may contact me via twitter (@ShaShaBolt) or email***